All posts by refsun5555
조성모 Jo Sung Mo-가시나무 A Thorn Tree (2000)
Ladies’ Code(레이디스 코드) – I’m Fine Thank You (R.I.P)
Milk Tea – Ramyeon King (Eng Sub)
Seoul by Daniel Rhodes
Almost 6000 photographs taken in the amazing city of Seoul, South Korea, edited into one time lapse. The yellow ribbons & paper boats are due to this being shot in May 2014, shortly after the Sewol Ferry incident.
[MV] SKULL(스컬) _ Because I was selfish(이기적인 놈이어서)
박재범 Jay Park – So Good Official Music Video [AOMG]
[MV] Jung In&Gary(정인&개리) _ Bicycle(자전거)
Bamboojourney : Seoul, Korea 2014
Sasa in Seoul Korea Vlog 1 & 2
Sasa in Seoul Korea Vlog 1
Sasa in Seoul Korea Vlog 2